We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions by Teachers. If you have a question which is not answered below please email us directly: info@pulsecsi.com

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a KS2 Full Day Primary Workshop cost?
Please see the Primary School Prices

What do other Primary Schools think of our workshop?
Please see Primary School Testimonials

How much will a Secondary KS3 / KS4 CSI Forensic Science Workshop cost?
Please see Secondary Workshop Prices

What do other Secondary Schools think of our workshop?
Please see Secondary School Testimonials

Do you deliver workshops for SEN (Special Educational Needs) Schools?
Please see Special Educational Needs (SEN) Testimonials

How many students can we accommodate in a one day workshop?
Our normal deliveries are up to 120 students, although this can be tailored to your school’s specific requirements and we can deliver workshops for up to 300 students if required.  

How long does a workshop last?
Our CSI Forensic Science Day is tailored to fit into your school’s timetable and typically lasts from 9:00 am – 3:30 pm.

Can we deliver workshops at the weekend?
Weekend workshops can also be accommodated particularly for Boarding / Independent Schools – a minimum of 3 months notice required.

How many students are required in each group?
Based on a Year Group of 120 students the group’s sizes will be based on 20 Groups of 6 students. (Adjusted accordingly to year group size).

How many Teaching Staff will the school need to provide?
Ideally,  2 – 3 teaching staff who will be required to help hand out resources and offer guidance in the afternoon Crime Scene Investigation.

Which Year Group is this activity ideally, suited to?
The workshop is ideal for KS2, KS3, KS4 and Sixth Form – the Primary Workshop is obviously condensed down to suitable material of Primary Pupils.

Can we deliver this workshop activity for a longer period?
Yes, we can also deliver this workshop over a 2 / 3 day period for larger year groups and also, involve other school departments, if required.

Do we deliver Summer Schools?
Yes, we deliver summer schools throughout the summer holidays, these schools are very popular as a Transitional activity for Year 6 to Year 7.

Do you take/publish photos of the event?
Yes, we occasionally like to use photos of these events, on our website, but would always check with the schools concerned, if parental permission has been obtained. 

Can our school have a CEOP e-Safety session, prior to the workshop?
Yes, we are happy to deliver our CEOP e-Safety sessions prior to the workshop, these can be tailored accordingly to your Year Group particularly KS2 | KS3 & KS4


The above is just a selection of questions regularly asked, should you have any additional questions or would like any clarification

please email:  info@pulsecsi.com 

Tel. 01400 263061